Croc Paints

An unbelievable artist that I am lucky enough to call a friend. We have collaborated on many canvases, as well as a handful of murals around the Boston Area. We are currently in the process of joining forces for a collective to be launched soon!

@Crocpaints on IG


One Gig

Located in Downtown Crossing, One Gig is the premier go-to Boston skate shop. OG offers high fashion, street-wear, skate boards/accessories, and the reason why I collaborate with them, custom 1 of 1 clothing and shoes!

@Onegig on IG


Street Artist in Residence

Located in San Clemente, CA, SAiR is a residency program for mural artists! I completed a 1 month residency working alongside some great artists: @oligarts / @banditgraffiti.

@Streetartistinresidence on IG